Life Never Felt SO Good!


Re-igniting your spark. Giving you the confidence, the energy and a plan to create a life you love and deserve.


  • Do you feel overwhelmed, frustrated or stuck?Something has to give. You can't stay on this treadmill any longer.

  • Do you lack the support, knowledge or guidance you need to make changes?


  • Do you procrastinate on your never ending to do list? Put off riding your horse or training your dog?

  • Do you overthink everything, and seem to spend more time ensuring everyone else around you is OK?

What is being overwhelmed, anxiousand stuck costing you?

Is life a bit 'meh' You ought to be grateful for all you have, and yet you also know there must be more to life.

Do you feel lost, lack the confidence, self worth or belief to make the changes. Working hard, not enough time or money for the things you love. 

Horse riders too anxious or busy to ride their horse. Dog handlers feeling like they let their dogs down in the ring. Mums who can't remember who they are anymore, women not believing they can find a job they love and that pays well!

It doesn't have to be this way.

I specialise in helping you find your confidence, discover who you are again, and what you want. Whether thats confidence with your horse, Balance in your life, time with your dog (or kids!) its all connected!.  You'll create and live a life you love. I will be alongside every step of the way.

"I barely know where to start - but believe me when I say...this is probably one of the best investments I’ve ever made."


"Becky is patient, understanding, caring and I feel that she truly "gets" me, she knows exactly how to help"

Creating the life you want doesn't have to be scary.


   Step One Book A Free Coaching call 

   Step Two  Show up to it (The hardest part! 😱)  For more info on the call click here


   A) We figure out and clarify the problem(s)

   B) We identify what you want (even if you have no idea right now)

   C) We create the road map to get you there.



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Address: 123 Street View, United states